I have a pretty big family with 2 older brothers 1 younger sister 1 (almost 2) sister-in-law and a 3 year old nephew. I grew up a big time daddy's girl and now my mom is my best friend. I don't and won't do anything without my mom.
My daughter, Halle Brooke, is the greatest gift to me and my husband. She was born September 19th at 8 lb. 3 oz. 20 in. I have never been happier ever since she came into our lives. When my husband, Brock, was young people would mistake his name for Brooke. That is why we decided to have her middle name Brooke, after her father.
My idea of the perfect day is a home cooked breakfast, then a few hours of aimless wandering through the internet looking for new crafts and projects while waiting for my husband to come home. Some play time with my little girl then make a wonderful homemade dinner. When my hubby gets home talk about our day while eating the lovely dinner and maybe play some games together. I have not had one of those days yet, but one can always hope!
I love to travel. I want to visit every state in the US and all the popular places of the world.
Pinterest is my addiction. My husband hates it because I spend a lot of time on and trying new ideas everyday and always making messes with my crafts.
That is me in a nutshell. Enjoy my blog :)
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